The Health Service Executive will forward you to be employed with a health care centre in Ireland. That is renowned for providing one of the greatest healthcare services across the world.

Once you are registered as a nurse, ensure quality nursing service to patients that are under your responsibility and care.

For Foreign nurses, it is mandatory to be registered under the “Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland” (NMBI) Once your documents are evaluated and you receive “the Decision Letter”, candidates will either have to partake an adaptation program or go through the capability oriented nursing exam.

Adaptation Program

Nurses who have gone through training beyond the European Union have to partake a 6-week clinical adaptation test, before getting full nurse registration, that will comprise of Theory classes and clinical placements. Candidates would be put onto nursing homes as Heath Care Assistants during this session. Also, they need to partake a nursing capability exam that comprises of a clinical/ practical test in Ireland. On candidates finish this process and will be declared capable for registration as RN with NMBI. Come to Ireland on a Work Visa to Ireland and get a job with a nursing home in order to get trained for the examination.

Will the Visa allow me to bring my family to Ireland?

Once a canidate’s adaptation program is completed, they can bring along their family as well under the same visa permit. Also, you would be eligible for similar salary structures that Nurses in  Ireland are paid. Prior work experience in India as a Nurse, will hold as an advantage towards your salary structures. Your spouses is free to seek employment in Ireland. The employer will apply for your spouses work permit once they offer her a confirmed job.

“An Bord Altranis” Regsitrations

“AN Bord Altranis” application form co mpletion is mandatory on the very day of your Interview. You need to possess 2 sets of notarized copies of all the requisite documents on the day of the interview; One copy for the “An Bord Altranis” and the other for the one who Interviews the candidate..

Work Permit

you will be ready to apply for your work permit as soon as you’re” an bord Registration” is done.

Visa & Medical tests –

Upon receiving your work permit, you need to go through medical examinations at authorized medical outfits. As soon as the” HSE” decides on the final date, candidates will be required to hand over their original passport and documents to IITR to start the procedure towards making their Visas. Candidates can resign only after their disposition date has been received from HS.

What happens after arrival in Ireland?

Candidates need not worry. You will be received by the NOC at the airport who will get you settled in your new home and assist you to open a fresh bank account, making arrangements for your medical tests and so on. NOC will arrange an orientation programme that will help you to get settled in the new surroundings.

Accompanying Expenses –

A Registration fee of (Euros 126) with “An Bord Altranis” towards Notary and translation of documents as well as additional postage cost for sending documents ( Fee for obtaining Verification of Nursing Forwarding the IELTS score, Employer references etc.)

The cost towards your medicals in India needs to be borne by you. The medicals would also ivolve the following  –

– Evidence of Hepatitis B
– Immunization Certificate against Rubella,Vericella
– Hepatitis C
– Evidence of current HIV/AIDS
– Evidence of current Rubella(IgM and IgG) antibodies status
– Evidence of Mantoux test
– Evidence of current Verisella (IgM and IgG)
– Evidence of chest X-Ray
– Visa fees.

What would be the general cost of living in Ireland?

For the first two months, accommodation cost would not be applicable. You would be spending about Euros 700 to 800 towards your Food, travel and other miscellaneous expenses. Candidates will start getting remuneration within a month, post their arrival.

How much money do I need to carry initially?

Candidates are required to have a little more than Euros 500F towards their initial expenses.

What is the salary / Remuneration that I am entitled to before registration?

The full – fledged registration process would take about 2 months. Nurses would receive remuneration as per Student Nurse III scale, amounting to Euro 22,012 per annum. As soon as the registration process is finalized, candidates’ salaries would see remarkable growth. You are advised to bring along your entire work experience documentation.

What about the candidate’s Accommodation Details?

During the first month, HSE will arrange and bear your accommodation cost, after which candidates must find their own way, but, you will have the undying assistance of the NOC, thus you need not worry. There are many foreign nurses who have been through your situation, thus they would be ready to assist you towards finding an accommodation.