{"id":3880,"date":"2020-02-14T10:23:37","date_gmt":"2020-02-14T10:23:37","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/amj.website\/cosmos\/?page_id=3880"},"modified":"2020-02-14T10:23:37","modified_gmt":"2020-02-14T10:23:37","slug":"student-guide-new-zealand","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/cosmosconsultancy.in\/student-guide-new-zealand\/","title":{"rendered":"Student Guide New Zealand"},"content":{"rendered":"
  1. About Newzealand<\/b><\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    The System of Education<\/b><\/p>\n

    New Zealand\u2019s education system is extremely classy and ranks high in the world.It is a unique combination of traditional values and infused with modern day innovative creativity, that create leaders required for the current day and time.<\/span><\/p>\n

    Education in New Zealand focusses around students, guiding them to imbibe a sense of team work, process information, innovate etc. Students have an excellent chance to Horne their skills through the unparalled guidance of qualified and experienced faculty.<\/span><\/p>\n

    College Fit:<\/b>\u00a0A host of options to choose from are available at colleges or universities. Though mediums of ranking are available, but the concept of \u201cfit\u201d is also essential. The GPA* of students that enrol are important, but majors that are existing, the location, number of students already existing, and university culture , all put together, combine a student\u2019s decision. There is a mix of publicly funded and privately supported colleges \/ universities.<\/span><\/p>\n

    Renowned student terminals – <\/b>The top universities in New Zealand are\u00a0<\/span>University of Auckland<\/b>,\u00a0<\/b>University of Otago<\/b>,\u00a0<\/b>University of Canterbury<\/b>,\u00a0<\/b>Victoria University of Wellington<\/b>,\u00a0and\u00a0<\/b>Massey University<\/b>\u00a0(all are ranked at the same level).<\/span><\/p>\n

    In New Zealand, Auckland is the focal point of universities. The best universities are located in cities like Wellington, Christchurch, Hamilton,\u00a0and Napier-Hastings. New Zealand had about 17,000\/- students (approximately), during the academic year 2016-2017. , IT\/Computing, Engineering, Visual Communications, Business Studies and Tourism & Hotel Management are the programs that are popular among Indian students, in New Zealand.<\/span><\/p>\n

    Is New Zealand safe? –<\/b>\u00a0New Zealand\u2019s crime rate is extremely low compared to other places, and has a wonderful healthcare system. Although it is safe for students, but one should be responsible aboutone\u2019s own\u00a0 personal safety and items. Segregate your original documents(passport and credit cards), from your photocopies. In the case of an emergency, do call 111 for assistance.<\/span><\/p>\n

    1. Life of Students in New Zealand<\/b><\/li>\n<\/ol>\n


      Students have the option to decide whether you want to live in university managed accommodation, or in a private household. University managed accommodation offers you\u00a0 cooked meals that are qquite cost effective.<\/span><\/p>\n

      Once you decide on your preference, the accommodation office at your university will guide you with available options \u2013 This is how you get started. If you are thinking of renting from a private household, the accommodation office will guide you by providing a list of private properties and landlords in the particular area.<\/span><\/p>\n

      However, wherever you decide to stay, you should ensure the correct details of the contractual rights and responsibilities you need to adhere to. As is common, you will be required to enter into a tenancy agreement, which you should go through in detail before you agree to the terms and conditions .<\/span><\/p>\n

      Orientation Program<\/b><\/p>\n

      Orientation (one week), is absolutely essential for your know how that you have reached. You will be introduced to the university and what it offers, as well as you enrol in your respectiveclasses. It is very important that you read your guidebook, given to you by the college. The guide takes you through the details of the admission process.<\/span><\/p>\n

      Activities you can indulge in –<\/b><\/p>\n

      Apart from sports colleges offers a host of extra-curricular activities, such as Music, drama, science and literary societies are offered in all colleges without fail. Also, there are opportunities for outdoor education and other free time activities you can partake in. Visits to, to places relevant to the courses of study such as art galleries and museums, theatres and concerts, religious centres or historical sites, scientific companies etc. will be a part and parcel of your interesting college life.<\/span><\/p>\n

      1. The process of Admissions –<\/b><\/li>\n<\/ol>\n


        The Requirements –<\/b><\/p>\n

        Requirements depend on the study programs and their respective levels. Each program \/ course, has a particular English language requirement that Indian students need to meet. Also, a minimum academic percentage of 65% and above in Class XII is the criteria. Although, there are Foundations and Diploma programs that are available for students who have marks less than 60%. 18 years is the minimum age for joining a degree program.<\/span><\/p>\n

        Please Note – The actual numbers might vary from university to university.<\/span><\/p>\n

        Documents that are required to be submitted are as follows –<\/span><\/p>\n